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Research Paper | Aeronautics | India | Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017
Design and Fabrication of Unmanned Amphibious Aeromobile
Shrinivasa D | Sathvik S Rao | Nandan Y.B | Harshith T.N | Shreyas Koushik
Abstract: There is a requirement of system which can monitor, Surveillance, React to the situation appropriately based on requirements in military and civil application, this technology will be able to provide solutions for infiltrations in border areas, collect information, transmit data back to the base camp, this system also plays a very important role in civil sectors, for collecting deep forest, deep see, and Arial data for weather predictions and other research works Technology has been upgraded and updated from past many decades time to time, nevertheless there is a striving requirement for more advancements in the coming near future. Even as the world powers are concentrating more on research and developments in Defense sector, a Military and a civil based technological development is in dew. The UNMANNED AMPHIBIOUS AERO-MOBILE ( UAAM) is a state of art cutting edge technology that can be used for Military as well as civil based applications depending upon the requirement in different sectors. UAAM will be a completely new concept which can be termed as multipurpose drone for various on ground, air and water surveillance and other requirements.
Keywords: unmanned, Surveillance, infiltrations, defense
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017,
Pages: 1366 - 1370