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Research Paper | Business Management | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017
Predicting Acceptance and Use Behavior of Consumers toward IndiHome Services by Using Extended UTAUT Model (A Case Study in Bandung)
Indrawati [18] | Rafa Najiya
Abstract: Telkom as the only state-owned telecommunications enterprise also a leading telecommunication company in Indonesia which provides fixed line or cable line try to seek an opportunity from another potential market to generate their profit. While the mobile migration result in unfavorable situation for traditional market, however industry statistics show an upward trend from other key ICT indicator subscriptions, which in this case is Triple Play services named IndiHome. Unfortunately, the factors that affecting consumers on using IndiHome Services are still not clearly observed. Analyzing factors that affect the behavior intention and usage behavior of consumers toward the adoption of IndiHome Services is needed. This research intends to analyze factors that affect the behavioral intention and use behavior of consumers toward the adoption of IndiHome Services in Bandung, based on Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2. The results reveals, factors that influencing the Behavioral Intention on the adoption of IndiHome services in Bandung sequentially starting from the greatest influence are Habit, Hedonic Motivation, Social Influence, Performance Expectancy, Price Value and Facilitating Condition as 82.3 %. While the influence of Habit and Behavioral Intention on Use Behavior as 7 %.
Keywords: behavioral intention, use behavior, UTAUT2, IndiHome services
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017,
Pages: 1860 - 1865
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