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Case Studies | Medicine Science | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017
Bilateral Persistent Fetal vasculature in Identical Twin Girls
Eka Sutyawan | I Wayan [63] | M Cynthia Dewi
Abstract: Title Bilateral Persistent Fetal vasculature in Identical TwinGirls Authors Eka Sutyawan, I Wayan, M, Cynthia Dewi Opthalmology Department of Udayana University, Denpasar, Bali Introduction and ObjectivePersistent fetal vasculature (PFV) previously known as persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV) is a rare congenital malformation idiopathic attributed to impaired regression of the hyaloids vascularization during the embryonic period. Most cases are sporadic and unilateral, and only 2 % are bilateral. The objective of this report is to describe a case with bilateral persistent fetal vasculature (BPFV) in twin girls and its management. Case Description Five years old twin girls present with difficulties while studying at school. They were born premature in 28 weeks with normal growth and development. Both were strabismus and the visual acuity were 1/60 with normal intraocular pressure in the beginning. Both posterior segment showed an elevated posterior vitreous membrane from the optic nerve, retinal fold, and Bergmeister papilla. Both were observed and received an optical low vision aid (spectacles) and non-optical low vision aids for low vision. Conclusion Bilateral persistent fetal vasculature is a rare congenital malformation with variated clinical features. The management can be surgery or observation depends on clinical features, anatomy anomaly, and visual prognosis. Children with BPFV tend to have a posterior abnormality, mostly related with poor visual prognostic. Bilateral persistent fetal vasculature needs a comprehensive management. Lifelong monitoring is a mandatory to avoid complications and increasing the quality of life.
Keywords: Persistent fetal vasculature, bilateral, twin
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017,
Pages: 1556 - 1560
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