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Research Paper | Education Management | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017
HLD Socialization and Demonstration as a Means to Prevent HIV/AIDS Transmission by Barbers in Malang
Sugianto Hadi
Abstract: From 9532 Indonesian HIV/AIDS sufferers, none of the cause has been identified including which is in Malang. This means, some of the number may be transmitted through improperly-managed razor blades. Regarding to the high number of sufferer, barbers in Malang critically require to be given education and demonstration of HIV/AIDS transmission in order to make them aware of healthy behavior and take part in preventing HIV/AIDS transmission through razor blades in the municipal area of Malang. This study is designed to analyze the impact of HLD (High-Level Disinfection) education and demonstration toward the behavior (knowledge, attitude, and practice) of preventing HIV/AIDS transmission of barbers. The study employs quasi experimental design with pretest-posttest with control group design. The sample is 30 barbers who were picked by using stratified random sampling method. Data was obtained through observation, questionnaire, and interview. The data analysis utilized are independent T-test and dependent T-test with 0.05 as the significance level. The result of the study shows that (1) There is no significant difference between barbers behavior [knowledge (p=0.591), attitude (p=0.693) and practice (p=0.716)] before the education and demonstration and control-1 group. (2) There is significant difference between barbers behavior [knowledge (p=0.000), attitude (p=0.000), and practice (p=0.000)] before and after the socialization and demonstration and experimental group. (3) There is significant difference between barbers behavior [knowledge (p=0.000), attitude (p=0.000), practice (p=0.000)] after education and demonstration and control-2 group. Recommended for KPADs Malang in order to make health promotion policy for barbers and barber skipper of the importance of behavioral prevention of transmission of HIV / AIDS through the razor in Malang, in collaboration with relevant agencies and health professional organizations to provide education on the causes of HIV / AIDS through training razors and razor sterilization using Chlorine 0.5 % and supervision / guidance periodically to barbers and barber skipper to want to carry out the practice of prevention of transmission of HIV / AIDS through the razor in accordance with standard operating procedures have been established.
Keywords: Education, Demonstration, HIV/AIDS, Barbers Behavior
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017,
Pages: 2106 - 2112
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