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Survey Paper | Management | India | Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017
A Study on ?Women Empowerment and Entrepreneurship? among Hosiery Garment Tiny and Small Entrepreneurs in Tirupur City
Dr. A. Latha [4] | V. Padmini
Abstract: The development of Indian economy is highly contributed by the women in various aspects. The women are the main person who calculated the family budget efficiently. But the recognition in the society for the women is not equal on par with males, due to the practice of malechavinism. Hence the government of India takes necessary steps to empower women through various schemes like TRYSM, DWRCA, PMRY and Women SHSs. Through these schemes the women are came forward to establish tiny and small business and capable to earn adequate financial income. This economic empowerment is the real empowerment of women to face the domestic and business issues. The entrepreneurs are trained well to manufacture the goods with good quality but finds difficult to sell the products due to lack of marketing knowledge. The present study is aimed at ascertaining the various functional problems faced by the women entrepreneurs in hosiery manufacturing. The shortage of production or poor quality of manufacturing leads to substandard products, which ultimately reduced their income. The sudden reduction in the income affects their socio-economic condition and their empowerment is drastically affected. In order to find the causes of problems in the functional areas of the manufacturing, this study is intentionally conducted among the tiny and small entrepreneurs of hosiery units. A questionnaire for survey has been prepared to analyse the opinion of women entrepreneurs in Tirupur (Tamilnadu, India) This study enlightens on women entrepreneurship status, development, challenges, opportunities etc.
Keywords: Women Empowerment, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial challenges
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017,
Pages: 1718 - 1720
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