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Research Paper | Psychology Science | Ethiopia | Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017
A Uni-Variate Analysis of Hedonistic-Altruistic Behavior of Home Reared, Institutionalized and Street Children
Tesfaye Desalegn Fentaw
Abstract: To investigate the hedonistic oriented altruistic behavior of home reared, institutionalized, and street children, one-hundred seventy four subjects ranging from seven to eighteen years were administered a prosocial motivation questionnaire (PSMQ). Equal numbers of subjects were taken from each group, with equal number of male and female subjects, and with equal number of subjects from each age category. Homogeneity of variance assumption was found to be tenable using Levenes test of homogeneity of variance. Normality of the distribution of hedonistic behavior in the population was also found to be tenable employing a Chi square test. First, one-way between-subjects ANOVA tested the effects of residential setting on the hedonistic behavior of home-reared, institutionalized and street children. Second, a 2 (sex male, female) x3 (residential setting home reared, institutionalized, street children) x3 (age7-10, 11-14, 15-18) univariat analysis of variance tested the effects of sex, residential setting, and age on the hedonistic behaviors of home-reared, institutionalized, and street children, respectively. Third, a 3 (family size small, medium, large) x3 (birth order first born, last born, neither) x3 (maternal presence alive, dont alive, separated) univariate analysis of variance tested the effects of family size, birth order, and maternal presence on the hedonistic behaviors of home-reared children. Results of the one-way between-subjects ANOVA on the hedonistic orientations by residential setting for the three residential settings were not equal (P>0.005). Results of a 2x3x3 univariat analysis of variance using sex, residential setting and age indicated significant result for the main effects of residential setting factors on hedonistic oriented altruism (F (2, 171) =112.016, P
Keywords: hedonistic oriented altruistic behavior, uni-variate analysis, street children, institutionalized children, home reared children, residential setting, birth order, family size
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017,
Pages: 2433 - 2441
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