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Research Paper | Medicine Science | India | Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017
Study of Impact and Dependency of Electronic Gadgets on Health & Life Style of Students -A Comparative Study Among Youth Population in MGM Campus, Aurangabad
Dr. Mahavir P. Nakel | Dr. Sameer Naval
Abstract: Introduction-Modern technology has experienced vast expansion in recent years, leading to its extensive use by people from all generations. For a generation of young people, technology has assumed a substantial stake in their social and educational lives. Aim- To study the dependency on electronic gadgets and its impact on health & life style Objectives- 1. To Study the time expend by the youth with their tech-devices.2. To assess the intentions behind use of tech-devices and services. Methodology- Descriptive Cross-sectional study. Medicos and non medicos students between the age group 18 to 24 years were selected Results- Out of 200 medicos, maximum 73 % and 56 % of the participants were using the mobiles for calling and massage purpose for 1-2 hours respectively. Discussion- Most of the respondents were using internet for the purpose of entertainment for a longer period of time. Out of 200 medicos, 73 % and 56 % of the participants were using the mobiles for calling and message purpose for 1-2 hours respectively. Conclusion- Most of the students using electronic devices for longer period were feeling sad, anxious, stressed and nervous in the absence of e -gadgets. This shows over dependency of students on e-gadgets.
Keywords: Gadgets, Youth, Dependency, Lifestyle
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017,
Pages: 2174 - 2178
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