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Research Paper | Food Science | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017
Physical Activities, Nutrition Status, Food Intake and Mineral Density of Aerobic Calisthenics Participantsin Lubuk Pakam
Novriani Tarigan [2] | Tiar Lince Bakara [2]
Abstract: Prevalent data shows that osteoporosis is rising as a world emerging health problem. Its increasing prevalent will increase the direct cost of curing effort and losses of patient productivity. There are two controllable factors related to bone mineral density life style and food. The uncontrollable are genetics, sex, and age. This research is to reveal the relation of physical activities. nutrition status and nutrition intake with BMD of aerobic calisthenics. This research was done on 2016 in observational base with cross sectional design. All fifty one subjects were chosen according to inclusion criteria. Collected data including name, age, education, occupations, the duration of aerobic exercise, physical activities, BMI, percentage of body fat, nutrition intake (protein, C and D vitamins) and BMD. Hypothesis was tested statically by Pearson correlation, Spearman ranks, and a double linier regression analysis. Result shows a significant relation between physical activities, percentage of body fat, protein and calcium sufficiency with bone mineral density. The most significant factors are physical activities and calcium sufficiency. The ongoing exercise intensity of once a week should be increased to three or four times. Calcium intake should be increased to prevent osteoporosis.
Keywords: BMD, physical activities, BMI, nutrition intake
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017,
Pages: 2051 - 2054
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