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Research Paper | Physics Science | Iraq | Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
Detection of Lung Diseases using Nearest Neighbor Classification Technique
Alyaa Hussein Ali | Zahra Jaafer Abod Jasim
Abstract: Lung diseases can be defined as the disorder that affects the lungs. The Lang is the organs that allow the human to breathe, the lung diseases can be detecting using CT images and image processing techniques. The first step in image enhancement is using the wiener filter as a noise remover filter, the segmentation process which is essentially used in detecting the defect in lung by using optimized Otsu threshold method which is based on improved the thresholding algorithm. The Nearest neighbor supervised classification method is used for classifying the lung diseases with the use of the histogram statistical features (first order statistical features).
Keywords: CT images, wiener filter, O'tsu threshold, statistical, features, nearest neighbor
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017,
Pages: 370 - 374
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