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Case Studies | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017
BPL Intruders
Kushalkumar Naidu | Pavankumar T | Laxmisai Ramprasad A | Sumathi N | J Nagesh Babum.S
Abstract: In the existing BPL (below poverty line) card generating system manual work is more and there may be the chances of the scandals. And due to these scandals real poor people does not get the benefits provided by the government due to scarcity of the resources. To reduce these scandals we developed a web based software to reduce the scandals. This can be achieved by validating the details of the applicant against the rules set by the government
Keywords: BPL, scandal, validation
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017,
Pages: 2158 - 2160
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