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Research Paper | Information Technology | Kenya | Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017
ICT Personnel Competence and Adoption of Digital Online Marketing by Medium Enterprises in Nairobi
Nicholas Makau Munywoki | Martin Maliti Mauye
Abstract: SMEs account for around two thirds of total employment, and half of the turnover in the Kenyan business sector. However the sector faces binding challenges that make it impractical for it to realize its full potential and deliver to the government expectations. The aim of this research was to study the influence of ICT personnel competence on adoption of digital online marketing by medium enterprises. Digital online advertising or Internet advertising is an internet-based process by which advertisers communicate, interact with and persuade online users in order to position a brand, which allows a company to promote both customer awareness and preference in a customized and personalized way, and to decrease the time needed to make a buying decision. The study was conducted in Nairobis central business district using empirical research study with a target population of 14, 266medium enterprises. A sample size of 389 was obtained using Israels formula. The sample population was stratified depending on the industry in which they operate. Data was collected through use of semi structured and open ended questionnaires. The collected data was edited, coded, classified, tabulated and presented in frequency tables, pie charts, bar graphs using frequencies and percentages, chi-square tests and P-value tables. The findings revealed that ICT personnel competence is a significant determinant of adoption of digital online marketing of digital online marketing. Based on the findings, the study concluded that competent ICT personnel lead to the success of digital online marketing and therefore recommends medium enterprises to hire competent ICT personnel who can fast tract the implementation and use of digital online marketing. Lastly, the study will help medium enterprises in solving the problem of limited market access identified in previous researches and therefore contribute positively to the Kenyan economy.
Keywords: ICT personnel competence, Digital online marketing, Medium enterprises
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017,
Pages: 2712 - 2717
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