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Research Paper | Botany | India | Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017
Ethno-Botanical Study of Medicinal Plants of Ramnagar Jammu and Kashmir, India
Satish Kumar [31] | Kewal Kumar | Javeed Iqbal Mir | Omar Sultan Teeli | Ajaz Nazir
Abstract: Ramnagar tehsil of J & K state has a very rich biological diversity due to varied altitude and latitude. The area possesses a diverse flora ranging from sub tropical to alpine meadows on the higher peaks. Present study was carried out to document the ethno medicinal uses of locally found plants. During the survey, a total of 45 plants species belonging to 31 families and 44 genera were documented. Family Lamiaceae was found dominant with 4 taxa followed by family Fabaceae with 3 taxa. Plants were tabulated in the order of botanical name, family, local name, part used and ethno medicinal uses. The plants were distributed into the growth forms, trees, shrubs and herbs. Herbs were found ethno medicinally more dominant followed by trees and shrubs respectively
Keywords: Ramnagar, Ethno-medicinal, Taxa, Lamiaceae, Fabaceae
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 5, May 2017,
Pages: 2414 - 2417
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