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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
How Predictive is Selection Test as Admission Criteria to Academic Success of Baccalaureate Nursing Program?
Kiran Taneja
Abstract: A descriptive correlational survey to investigate the relationship between selection test scores and academic performance of B. Sc (Hons) Nursing students in a selected College of Nursing was undertaken for the partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Nursing at Rajkumari Amrit Kaur College of Nursing (University of Delhi), New Delhi. The objectives of the study were 1. To determine the relationship between marks obtained in selection test and class xii marks, Total internal assessment marks in part I, II, III, IV and Grand Total, Total university examination marks for part I, II, III, IV and Grand Total, Marks obtained in Physical sciences, Biological sciences, Social sciences and Nursing sciences, and Total marks obtained in all Theory papers and all Practical. .2. To find out the effect of Selection test scores on Academic achievement scores in B. Sc (Hons) Nursing students. The study was conducted on 122 B. Sc (Hons) Nursing students based on the records available. A structured proforma was developed for data collection. The major findings revealed that there is significant positive relationship between selection test scores and all the 24 variables. All variables entered in the regression equation and contributed significantly to Selection test scores.
Keywords: Admission Criteria, Selection Test, Internal Assessment, University Examination, Academic Success
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017,
Pages: 9 - 12
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