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Research Paper | Business Management | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017
The Interest of Buying on Muslim Community to Cake and Bakery that does not Have Halal Certificate
Ishaq [5] | Lilik Noor Yuliati [7] | Ahmad Sulaeman
Abstract: Research of interest on Muslim society in buying cake and bakery products that have not been certified halal done in the city of Bogor.120 respondents obtained in this study are scattered from different gender, age, occupation, education level, and income. This study consists of 5 exogenous variables and 2 endogenous variables. Data were analyzed with Partial Least Square using SmartPLS 2.0 program. Variable product quality, awareness, promotion significantly influence purchase of intention. Self identity variable has significant effect to awareness. The significant effect of the variable is known by the t-count > t tab (1.96). The implications of consumer protection under Law No.8 of 1999, on government policies, business actors, and consumers.
Keywords: interest buy, purchase of intention, halal, cake dan bakery, smartPLS 20, Law No8 of 1999
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017,
Pages: 1077 - 1082
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