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Research Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
A Robust and Secure Steganography Scheme based on Singular Values Decomposition and Discrete Wavelet Transform
Y. S. Thakur [2] | Brij Mohan Kumar
Abstract: Steganography is the study of embedding and hiding messages in a medium called a cover text. Steganography is related to cryptography. It was used by the Ancient Greeks to hide information about troop movements by tattooing the information on someone's head and then letting the person grow out their hair. Simply put, steganography is as old as dirt. The simple fact is that an encrypted message does not resemble anything else but an encrypted message. Once a third party determines that you are communicating in secret, they may feel compelled to force you or the person you are communicating with to tell them what you are hiding. The basic idea behind cryptography is that you can keep a message a secret by encoding it so that no one can read it. If a good cryptographic cipher is used, it is likely that no one, not even a government entity, will be able to read it.
Keywords: Authentication, security, secret messaging
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017,
Pages: 2517 - 2521
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