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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
Analysis to Improve Performance of Website Using Pattern Recognition Techniques
Abstract: Web usage mining is a main research area in Web mining focused for learning about Web users and their interactions with Web sites to know the level of usage the website. The motive of mining is to find users access models automatically and quickly from the vast Web log data, such as frequent access paths, frequent access page groups and user clustering. Through web usage mining, the server log, registration information and other relative information left by user access can be mined with the user access mode which will provide foundation for decision making of organizations. The main motive of this research is, to find a complete framework and findings in Web usage patterns from Web log files of a real Web site that has all the difficult aspects of real-life Web usage, including developing user profiles and external data describing database of the Web content.
Keywords: Web mining, Websites, Models, User log
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017,
Pages: 2451 - 2452
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