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Research Paper | Environmental Engineering | India | Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
A Study of Sequencing Batch Reactor Efficiency to Treat Centralized Kitchen Wastewater
Ashok Iranna Pilgonde [3] | Dr. S. B. Thakare [2]
Abstract: Demand of fresh water for various urban and industrial purposes increasing day by day. The wastewater generated from kitchens is about 60 % of total water used in various kitchen activities. The lack of awareness about adverse effects may force human beings to dispose kitchen wastewater with high concentration of biodegradable pollutants directly on receiving water body or land. On one had thousands of liter water has wasted in the form of kitchen wastewater and on other hand fresh water has consumed for urban applications like flushing, car washing, gardening and urban irrigation. This study investigates the performance of SBR on treating Kitchen Wastewater with Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) 2 hrs and F/m ration 0.2. Laboratory analysis were carried out in influent and effluent in order to achieve maximum efficiency reduction in effluent, Parameters tested for both influent and effluent are pH, COD, BOD, Phosphorous, Nitrogen, MLSS and SVI. Total percentage removal obtained for COD - 90 %, BOD 97 %, and pH is around 7.
Keywords: Sequencing Batch Reactor, Waste Water, Centralized Kitchens, Reuse
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017,
Pages: 2061 - 2065
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