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Research Paper | Civil Engineering | Turkiye | Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
The Experimental Study on Soil Improvement with Additive Materials on Highways
Abstract: Soil stabilization methods are important in dealing with for geotechnical engineering and transportation engineering departments. The bearing capacity of the soils may not sufficient at some planned road routes. In this case, these soils must be completely removed and it must be applied the new soils which are sufficient bearing capacity or one of several ground stabilization methods are applied. There are a lot of stabilization methods. One of the most important soil stabilization methods is the stabilization of the soils with materials such as lime, fly ash, glass fiber and rubber particles. In this study, exhaustive tests have been conducted in the laboratory to investigate the availability of soils with lime, glass fiber and rubber particles for increasing the bearing capacity. Soil samples have been prepared at optimum water content and unconfined pressure tests have been carried out. Soil samples have been prepared at 5 % content lime, glass fiber and rubber particles and have been determined effect of choicing of different materials for stabilization. It has seen that the choice of different materials was important for soil stabilizations.
Keywords: soil stabilization, unconfined pressure test, lime, rubber particles, glass fiber
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017,
Pages: 2185 - 2189
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