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Research Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
Automatic Bridge Health Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensors
Shachi P. | Manjunatha S.
Abstract: Usage of wireless sensor network is increasing and becoming cost effective nowadays. Many real time applications are using this network system. One such application is monitoring a highway or railway bridges which plays an important role in transportation. Many bridges in world collapse due to some internal and external factors, those factors must be monitored in order to avoid this collapse. This paper proposes automatic bridge monitoring system using wireless sensor networks. The proposed system consists of three sensors to monitor the bridge condition continuously i. e. accelerometer to detect the jerks in the bridge or in pillar, flex sensor to detect the bend or orientation in the bridge, load cell to detect the overload on the bridge. This data from the sensors will be processed by controller and is transferred to the receiver node at the management center using the transmitter node at the transmitter end whenever the fault occurs. RF module is used as a wireless node in our work. At the receiver side raspberry pi is used to monitor the received data which can also store the database in it. Through the GSM an alert message is also sent to the operator about the fault occurred inthe bridge. The proposed system can be used efficiently with low cost.
Keywords: Bridge, Zigbee, Raspberry pi, jerk, bend, overload
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017,
Pages: 2472 - 2475
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