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Research Paper | Home Science | India | Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
Women Empowerment through Employment
Jyoti Sharma [12] | Pooja Sharma [7]
Abstract: The present scenario of womens empowerment in developing countries calls for greater participation and decision-making in the economic, political and social spheres. In the economic sphere, paid employment is seen as essential to womens empowerment. Research on the relationship between employment and empowerment often focus on access to employment opportunities and working conditions at the societal level and on womens control over resources and contribution to family earnings. Women empowerment is typically discussed in relation to political, social and economic empowerment, but the economic empowerment of women has received particular attention and is often cited as one of the most important ways to promote gender equality, reduce poverty and improve the well being of not only women, but children as well. The assumption that there is a link between employment and womens empowerment, both in terms of economic and gender relations is widely accepted. Women started availing themselves of employment opportunities, they are no longer associated with the role of homemaker especially in urban areas. A greater proportion of women are seeking and obtaining paid employment more than ever before. Greater availability of educational opportunities, removal of discriminatory clauses in labour legislation and change in legal status of women, delay in marriage and having fewer children, changing socio-cultural values, consciousness about their rights and greater awareness of women relating to their career development are some of the important reasons which is leading to gradual number of women in the employment market.
Keywords: employment, women empowerment
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017,
Pages: 2710 - 2711
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