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Research Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017
Advanced Intelligent Security and Self-Defence System for Human Beings
Sapna Panwar [2] | Sangeetha Ganesh | Raghuttam K Kulkarni
Abstract: This paper describes about a smart intelligent security system for every individual especially, Women all over the world are facing much unethical physical harassment, Mens are suffering from unethical attacks, school children are getting harassed. This acquires a fast pace due to lack of a suitable surveillance system. Our project is a venture to resolve this problem. The system resembles a band on the wrist incorporated with pressure switch and tilt sensor as an input which when activates shows the result Screaming alarm through buzzer and electric shock mechanism are imposed for self-defense purpose and send location and messages to the emergency contacts and figure out the attacker using the image captured from a webcam. The system can be activated in two ways either by a pressure switch or by the tilt/axis sensor which activates the system on a rotation over an angle. Electric shock mechanism and image capturing using webcam is incorporated in the wrist band that act as a weapon of the smart technology. We believe that this endeavor will make a difference in everyones life who are influenced by harassments.
Keywords: Tilt sensor, GPS, GSM, Webcam, LPC2148, Pressure switch
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017,
Pages: 2537 - 2541
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