Abstract of A Study to Determine, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Medical Surgical | India | Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017

A Study to Determine the Effectiveness of Basic Life Support Training on Knowledge of Life Saving Skills among College Students in Selected Colleges at Jaipur for Degree Students

Ashendra Kumar Goduhan [2] | Ashok Y. Kshirsagar [2] | Tukaram B. Zagade [14]

Abstract: A one group pre-test post-test pre experimental approach was adopted. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is one of the most evolving areas of saving actions that improve the survival rates following cardiac arrest and educating to college students can play a dynamic role in case of emergency situations in the society. The study was therefore undertaken to find out the knowledge and skills of undergraduate college students after training on BLS. AIM of the study- To improve knowledge & skills among college students about basic life support and to improve the survival rates following cardiac arrest. Objective of the Study To assess the pre & post training knowledge on basic life support for life saving among college students. Material & methods- A study was conducted on 1500 student participants studying in selected colleges of Jaipur, to fulfill the appropriately calculated minimum sample size of 1454. The study period from October 2011 to Sept.2016. The conceptual frame work for the study was developed based on general system theory by Bertanlanffy. The research hypothesis was stated as H1 The mean post-test knowledge & skill score of the college students will be significantly higher than the mean pre-test knowledge & skill score regarding training on BLS. In view of the nature of the problem and to accomplish objective of the study, a training programme was prepared on BLS technique for degree students. A structured closed ended questionnaire was prepared to assess the knowledge level. The content validity of the tool and training schedule was established in consultation with the guide and experts in the field of Nursing, Medicine and Education. Reliability (r = 0.88) of the tool was tested by split half technique and Karlpearson Co-efficient correlation formula. A pilot study was conducted with one hundred fifty students to refine the methodology and find the feasibility of the study. Further effectiveness of training programme was tested by inferential statistics using pairedt test. The difference between pre-test and post-test knowledge scores of Degree students on BLS technique was found to be very highly significant. The overall findings of the study reveal that there is significant increase in the knowledge of Degree students regarding BLS training. The training was found to be an effective strategy in increasing the knowledge & Skills of Degree students regarding BLS Training. Results Total 1500 participants included in the study and grouped in three categories according to their knowledge scores as poor, good and excellent scores obtained in pre and post training assessment among them there were 883 (58.8 %). participants in the poor category who all improved after training as in the post test results none of the person found in poor category. There were only eight participant in the excellent score category before intervention which increased to 1188 (79.2 %) in excellent category of knowledge after training intervention. There was mean knowledge score of 9.3 with SD3.9 before the training on BLS which increased to mean score of 25.0 with SD 2.4 the skills score was 7.5 with SD2.78 before training which increased to 21.6 with SD 3.8 after training both these difference in knowledge. (t=34.4, p<0.001and t=39.1, p<0.001 respectively). The participants were grouped in three categories according to their skills scores in to poor, good and excellent scores obtained in pre-training. Initially there were 1259 (83.9 %) in the poor category, who all improved after training as seen in the post training observation results showing only 32 (2.1 %) persons in poor category. There was not a single student in the excellent category of score before intervention which increased to 665 (44.3 %) in excellent category of skills. However, It was revealed that knowledge scores before training for participants received prior information through mass media (p=0.048) were more than participants not received any information. . This meant that information level has impact on knowledge. Percentage of effectiveness (93 %) was found in the item the rate of compression is 100 per min. in steps and technique of CPR whereas highest percentage of (89.26 %) of the effectiveness was found in the item the recovery position after the CPR is place the victim on his or her side in Post resuscitation care. Interpretation & Conclusion- The analysis of data revealed that, the post assessment of knowledge score significant higher than pre-test score at p<0.05 level of subjects. The investigator concluded that the training on BLS was good method of conveying information by demonstration. Therefore planned teaching and demonstration is logical solution

Keywords: Training, knowledge, , college students, BLS & CPR

Edition: Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017,

Pages: 2712 - 2723

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Ashendra Kumar Goduhan, Ashok Y. Kshirsagar, Tukaram B. Zagade, "A Study to Determine the Effectiveness of Basic Life Support Training on Knowledge of Life Saving Skills among College Students in Selected Colleges at Jaipur for Degree Students", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 6 Issue 6, June 2017, pp. 2712-2723, https://www.ijsr.net/get_abstract.php?paper_id=ART20175051

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