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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 6 Issue 2, February 2017
Job Satisfaction among Housekeeping Workers in Tertiary Care Hospital
Mahadeo Shinde [26] | Nutan Potdar [8] | Sushma Shete [2]
Abstract: A study aimed to assess the job satisfaction among housekeeping workers in tertiary care hospital. Objectives were to assess the existing level of job satisfaction To find association between selected demographic variables and level of job satisfaction among housekeeping workers in tertiary care hospital. Methodology - Descriptive survey approach non-experimental survey design was used. The study was conducted in Tertiary care hospital. The study population was housekeeping workers in the Tertiary care hospital. The sample size for the present study was 100 housekeeping workers. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Results- Majority of workers are above the age of 30 years (83 %) and 17 % of workers are below 30 years of age. Majority of the workers are males (67 %) and 33 % of workers are females. Majority of the workers are having less than 2 years of experience in this job.23 % of the workers are having 2-5years of experience, 8 % of the workers are having 5-10 years of experience and 12 % of the workers having greater than 10 years of experience.100 samples 56 % of workers are very satisfied in their job, 43 % of workers are satisfied in their job and only 1 % of workers are not satisfied in their job. there was an association between Age Group and job satisfaction level among housekeeping workers. It represents that if age group of house keeper increases satisfaction level also increases. There was no statistical association between sex and job satisfaction level among housekeeping workers. there was an association between experience and job satisfaction level among housekeeping workers. Conclusion Assessing satisfaction is not one time action, instead, it needs continuous monitoring and evaluation. Study concluded that housekeeping workers in selected tertiary care hospital were 56 % of workers very satisfied in their job, 43 % of workers are satisfied though housekeeping workers working at selected tertiary care hospital are highly satisfied with their job, they have to face frequent occurrence of stress which could have negative impact on organizational climate in the future.
Keywords: Job Satisfaction, Housekeeping, Workers, Tertiary Care, Hospital
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 2, February 2017,
Pages: 150 - 153
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