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Research Paper | Nursing | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017
A Model of Malaria in Pregnancy Prevention Counseling in Clinics, District of Jayapura, Papua
Ester Rumaseb | Hari Kusnanto | Djaswadi Dasuki | Siswanto Agus Wilopo
Abstract: Malaria is still the health problems in the community, especially in endemic areas like Papua. Malaria in pregnancy is contributing to the high numbers of pain and maternal mortality. One effort decreases the prevalence of malaria is empowering officers and clients or pregnant women by increasing knowledge to do prevention. One effort to increase knowledge with counseling at the time of antenatal. Effective counseling using the picture/media sheets behind a great way make it easier for mothers to understand the information provided. This research was to know relationship counseling using media sheet back toward an increase in knowledge, attitudes and compliance perform prevention of malaria infection. The Method used was the stage that is training midwives Next research experiments with design pre-and post-test-test, determination of sample with randomized assignment, group counseling is a treatment using media sheet turning 85 mothers and control group counseling without the media as much as 85 mothers. After counseling, conducted observation for 3 months in a row to see malaria prevention practices. Results there was a change in the average knowledge of 2.014 (p < 005) between the pre and posttest-test. Statistically, there is a change of attitude and knowledge difference 2.07 6.68 group treat compared to the group control. Malaria prevention practices as using mosquito nets do not hang the thrift in the home, use protective clothing when outside the House on the first and second month after statistically meaningful counseling with a value of p < 0.05. Conclusion turning sheet using media counseling can improve knowledge, attitudes in a positive and pregnant mother dutifully do well compared with malaria prevention counseling without the media. Recommended to maternal and child health services in particular in the territory of Papua to benefit from this feedback sheet when giving malaria prevention counseling to pregnant mothers.
Keywords: Model, Malaria, Pregnancy, Counseling
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017,
Pages: 1004 - 1008
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