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Research Paper | Mechanical Engineering | India | Volume 6 Issue 2, February 2017
Fatigue Behavior of Heat Treated Aluminium Matrix Composites
Ali Afzal | Mohammed Naveed [3]
Abstract: Present work aims at investigating the result of heat treatment and age hardenablilty on fatigue behavior of aluminum hybrid composite. Aluminum 6061 alloy, aluminium-5wt %silicon carbide composites and aluminium-5wt %silicon carbide-xwt %graphite hybrid composite specimens with graphite varied from 1wt % and 3wt % were fabricated by stir casting method. Microstructure and Fatigue strength studies of aluminium alloy and its composites have been carried out. The fabrication of aluminium silicon carbide graphite & aluminium 6061 alloy was done through vortex stir casting methodology. In this alloy of aluminium it was found through Microstructure studies that the particles of graphite and silicon carbide were present. Microhardness of aluminium-silicon carbide composite was higher than the hybrid composites and base alloy. Heat treatment enhances microhardness of base alloy and its composites with ice quenching resulting in maximum value.
Keywords: Stir casting, Fractography, Heat treatment, Fatigue behavior
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 2, February 2017,
Pages: 484 - 487
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