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Comparative Studies | Medical Surgical | India | Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017
Comparison of Epidural Butorphanol and Fentanyl as Adjuvants in the Lower Abdominal Surgery
Dr. Asit Kothari [2] | Dr. Devarsh Thakkar | Dr. Neel Rana | Dr. Shashank Maladkar
Abstract: Background In recent time it is very popular technique to use epidural opioids in management of acute post-operative pain. Aim 1. To assess & compare the onset & duration of sensory block 2. To assess & compare the onset & duration of motor block 3. To assess & compare duration of post-operative analgesia. Material and methods A Prospective Randomized control double blind study of 75 adult patients of either sex with ASA 1 & 2 aged 20 - 60 years under going lower abdominal surgery under epidural anesthesia were enrolled in this study. Result Onset and completion of sensory analgesia was earliest in Bupivacaine-Fentanyl (BF) group followed by Bupivacaine-Butorphanol (BB) group and Bupivacaine (B) group, duration of analgesia were prolonged significantly in BB group followed by BF group as compared with B group. Conclusion Addition of a single bolus dose of Butorphanol and Fentanyl along with Bupivacaine given at the start of epidural anesthesia provides good intraoperative and post-operative analgesia & Butorphanol is an attractive alternative as an adjuvant to bupivacaine as it has excellent sedation in postoperative period & longer duration of analgesia.
Keywords: Epidural, Butorphanol, Fentanyl, Lower abdominal surgery
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017,
Pages: 1224 - 1227
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