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Research Paper | Zoology | India | Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017
Morphometric Characters and Their Relationship of Freshwater Catfish Fish Clariusbatrachus(Linnaeus, 1758)from Aurangabad Region (M.S) India
Balaji D. Shinde | Rajani S. Amrawkar | Smita R. Sonawane [2]
Abstract: Present study deals with the morphometric relationship of Clarius batrachus. The morphometric measurements (Total length, Standard length, dorsal length, pectoral length, pelvic length anal anal length) were recorded. The regression and correlation coefficient (r) were analyzed with independent variable (total length) and dependent variable (other morphometric parameters). A linear relationship was found between total length and morphometric characters. The result shows that morphometric parameters are highly correlated to total length except anal length to total length
Keywords: Clarius batrachus, growth, morphometric characters, meristic charecters, total length
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017,
Pages: 1786 - 1788
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