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Research Paper | Civil Engineering | India | Volume 6 Issue 2, February 2017
Study on Effect of Thickness in Behaviour of Geopolymer Ferrocement Folded Panel
S. Aathinavairavan | S. Dharmar [2] | Dr. S. Nagan
Abstract: The exploitation of cement causes pollution to the environment and reduction of raw materials. The ordinary Portland cement requires large amount of decombustion of raw materials ensuing in considerable manifestation of CO2. As such as geopolymer concrete have been introduced to reduce the above problem. Ferrocement is a form of reinforced concrete closely spaced multiple layers of mesh and small diameter of rods completely infiltrated with mortar. Folded structures are among the most cost effective construction they reduce the net weight of the element because of their higher stiffness in the plane of maximum bending in the direction of range. The major aim of these experimental work is to study the behaviour of geopolymer ferrocement folded panel using number of wire mesh layers by varying thickness of panel on the flexural strength by varying wire mesh layers on load deflection behaviour, ductility, ultimate flexural strength
Keywords: Ferrocement, Folded Panel, Geopolymer Mortar
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 2, February 2017,
Pages: 535 - 538
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Pages: 1495 - 1498Study on Flexural Behavior of Flat Ferrocement Panels
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