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Research Paper | Nursing | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017
Comparison between Warm Compress and Massage to the Pain Intensity for Elderly Who Have Arthritic Pain in Bina Lanjut Usia Compound Jayapura
I Ketut Swastika | Kismiyati
Abstract: Background, Approximately 40 % of the total Indonesian population aged over 40 years old have joint and muscle pain. Arthritis pain in the joints can be overcome pharmacologically and non-pharmacological treatment. In Non-pharmacologic can use either pain management techniques by physical exercise, massage, warm compresses even by diet. This study aims to identify differences between the provision of warm compresses and massage to the intensity of pain in elderly people who have complaints of pain from rheumatoid arthritis in Panti Bina Lansia Sentani district Jayapura 2016. The research is designed using queasy Experiment with posttest control only by group design using statistical test repeat Anova. Sampling experience was conducted by random sampling with 12 people as sample which were intervention group contain 6 people and the control group consisted of 6 people too. The results showed differences in pain intensity change which is obtained P = 0.046 means that there is a differences between non-pharmacological therapy is giving a warm compress and massage on the elderly who have complaints of joint pain. Conclusion There are significant differences between warm compresses and massage therapy in reducing pain intensity of Knee Joints In Elderly people at Panti Bina Lansia Jayapura District. Discussion, based on the research above we could suggest to all people who has pain as caused of Arthritic can use massage and warm compress as the first aid for being treated.
Keywords: warm compress, massage, rheumatoid arthritis pain, pain intensity
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017,
Pages: 1623 - 1626
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