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Research Paper | Management | Tanzania | Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017
The Influence of Community Mobilization Strategies on Women Participation in Agricultural Development Activities in Arumeru District, Tanzania
Mary William Mnyawi | Prof. Peter A. Kopoka
Abstract: The study examined the influence of community mobilization strategies on women participation in agricultural development activities. A descriptive design was applied to examine the influence of community mobilization strategies on women participation in agricultural development activities in Arumeru District, The target population comprised of women who are farmers in Usa-River town, with a sample of 80 women selected using purposive sampling. Data analysis involved use of frequencies, percentages and correlation was used to examine the influence of dependent variables on dependent variables. The data collected in the study was analyzed using regression analysis with the help of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) a software package used for statistical analysis. The results indicates that over 55% of the respondents showed that are aware with the influence of leadership, education and culture on women participation in agricultural development activities. The study concluded that leadership, culture and education influence women participation in agricultural development activities in Arumeru District. The study recommends that the Government and development agencies can institutionalize mechanisms to effectively involve of women in agricultural and rural policy making, implementation. There must be good cultural policies concerning women so that to enable women empowerment which may influence them to more participation in agricultural activities. There must be establishment of training institutions, initiatives to build capacity for producing products. To strengthen education as a path to enhance women's participation in agricultural activities and opportunity in Tanzania.
Keywords: Women participation, Agricultural development activities, Leadership, Culture and Education
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017,
Pages: 1435 - 1438
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