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Research Paper | Food Science | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017
Glycemic and Satiety Index of Some Degree of Milling of Indonesian Adlay (Coix Lachryma-Jobi Var Ma-Yuen) Indigenous Genotype
Tensiska | Imas Siti Setiasih | O. Suprijana | Warid Ali Qosim | Yana Cahyana
Abstract: The aims of research was to determine the adlay milling degree which resulted cooked adlay with low Glycemic Index (GI) and high in Satiety Index. The result was compared with IR64 rice variety, The research treatments were three degrees of milling i. e. (1) local traditional milling (still contain aleuron layer) that added seven percent bran (mesocarp) which same as bran proportion in its origin, to produce whole grain, (2) local traditional milling that result the grain with still contain aleuron layer, and (3) milling with abration machine to produce polished grain. The grain which resulted by three degrees of milling were analyzed nutrition contain i. e moisture, crude fat, protein, ash and dietary fiber. The grain that resulted were cooked like rice. Proportion grain water was 1 1, 5 (v/v) as usually used in rice cooking. The product were analyzed its GI and Satiety Index. These treatments were compared with IR64 rice variety. Acording to research results were (1) degree of milling which had highest dietary fiber contain was whole grain, (2) The lowest GI (20, 1) that include low category (< 55) was resulted by polished grain, (3) The satiety index of polished grain didnt significant difference with its whole grain, but higher than rice IR64 (Setra Ramos) variety, according to Duncan Multiple Range Test. Consumption of cooked adlay could maintain satiety until 3.5 hours but IR64 cooked rice only 2.5 hours
Keywords: adlay, degree of milling, Glycemic Index, Satiety Index
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017,
Pages: 2029 - 2034
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