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Research Paper | Education Management | Philippines | Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017
Status of Implementation of the University of Eastern Philippines Scholarship Grants: Inputs for Faculty Development Program
Nenette D. Tan
Abstract: The study is for the purpose of determining the status of implementation of the University of Eastern Philippines Scholarship Grants program. This research is descriptive-evaluative and used a triangulation among a survey questionnaire, retrieval of secondary data and interviews among the respondents in its data gathering. Data gathered on the respondents profile tells that the respondents are from the UEP Main Campus, forty six years old and above, females, married, pursued doctorate degree, associate professors, Plan A recipients and with 16 years and above length of service in the university. Most of the grantees graduated their degree program within the allotted time. The scholarship grants program implementation status is summarize thus objectiveness, qualification of grantees, criteria for granting scholarship and responsibilities of grantees within the scholarship period are excellently implemented. On satisfactory implementation are organization of the scholarship grants, service obligation of scholars, and extension of scholarship (duration) and responsibilities of grantees after scholarship period. In sum, the whole scholarship grant program picture in implementation is satisfactory. Problems encountered were ranked and the first three is on subsidy, stipend and allowances. The fourth through the eighth are on policy guidelines being not strictly implemented, non-provision of allowance while on study leave. Family related problems, heavy required enrollment load and too high standard of performance. The study provided inputs for reform agenda gleaned from the findings. The reform agenda inputs provided for crafting, clarifying and disseminating the programs objectives, review functions, crafting of Monitoring and Evaluation Tool and Plan, networking and linkaging for funding windows, review of criteria for selection and consider applications from the two external campuses (Laoang and Catubig) of the university, review provisions on benefits to scale up with real costs (e. g. in metropolis areas), reconsider duration for doctorate programs, consider full enforcement of policy guidelines on obligations and responsibilities (provide for specific implementation rules and regulations), review provisions for duration extension applications, define meritorious ground for extension and inclusion of a specific provision on graduate studies paper presentation on local, national, and international venues. All these are captured in the proposed faculty development program. Recommendation number one is to craft a workable and/or strategic faculty development program particularly considering participatory approaches such as using outside reviewers for M & E for success determination and involvement of faculty members in the planning and crafting of a faculty development program, encourage college level faculty development planning and conduct a similar study correlating scholarship to grants productivity, research work, classroom instruction and extension services.
Keywords: scholarship program, scholarship grants, assessment, implementation, faculty development program
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 10, October 2017,
Pages: 2146 - 2153
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