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Research Paper | Biology | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017
Influence of Combination of Quail Egg Yolk and Coconut Water on the Frozen Semen Quality of Simmental (Bos taurus L.)
Ramadhan Sumarmin | Rizki Siswanto | Nadyatul Khaira Huda | Elsa Yuniarti
Abstract: West Sumatera have artificial insemination program to improve production, and quality of cattle, but there are obstacles, such as the provision of diluents semen frozen by the government less than the optimum. So that the availability of diluents is insufficient to produce frozen semen. It is Necessary to find suplement diluents there for more practical, economical, and more importantly are Able to maintain the quality of frozen semen of cattle. This study aims to determine the effect of the combination of quail egg yolk and coconut water as diluents to the quality of frozen semen of Simmental cattle (Bos taurus L. ). This research has been conducted in June-September 2016 in the Laboratory of Artificial Insemination (BIB) Tuah Sakato, Payakumbuah, used Completely Randomized Design with 4 treatments and 6 repetitions. The treatment as follows andromed (Control), 25 % yolk quail + 66 % coconut water + 8 % glycerol + 0.1 % penicillin-streptomycin + 008 % + 0.82 % aquabidest (P1), 45, 5 % egg yolk quail + 45.5 % coconut water + 8 % glycerol + 0.1 % penicillin-streptomycin + 008 % + 0.82 % aquabidest (P2), 66 % yolk quail + 25 % coconut water + 8 % glycerol + 0.1 % penicillin-streptomycin + 008 % + 0.82 % aquabidest (P3). The result showed percentage of viability controls 72.66 %, 70.50 % P1, P2 67.16 %, 65.50 % P3. The mean percentage of frozen semen motility control 71.33 %, 69.66 % P1, P2 65.00 %, 61.66 % P3. The percentage of average normality controls 85.50 %, 84.33 % P1, P2 84.66 %, 84.16 % P3. Based on the results of this study concluded that the combination of quail egg yolk and coconut water affects the quality of frozen semen of Simmental cattle (Bos taurus L. ). l
Keywords: yolk quail eggs, coconut water, frozen Semen quality of Simmental bull
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017,
Pages: 1393 - 1396
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