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Research Paper | Business Management | Kenya | Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017
Effect of Liberalization on the Performance of Veterinary Medical Services in Nakuru County, Kenya
Peterson Mwangi Njiru | Daniel Onwonga Auka [2]
Abstract: This study sought to determine the effect of Liberalization on performance of Veterinary Medical services in Nakuru County, Kenya. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of liberalization on the performance of Veterinary Medical services in Nakuru County. The specific objectives were, to determine the effect of offloading of services, legislation and credit on performance of Veterinary Medical services in Nakuru and lastly to establish the combined effect of offloading, legislation and credit on performance of Veterinary medical services in Nakuru County. A survey research design was adopted for the study. The target population was the 34 private Veterinary medical practitioners in Nakuru County. Data was collected using structured questionnaires which were administered to the Practicing Veterinarians. Data collected was analyzed using means and standard deviation, and presented inform of tables. Inferential statistics using Pearson correlation coefficients were established to help researcher draw various conclusions on the relationship between independent and dependent variable. Multiple regression analysis was used to examine the effect of Liberalization on performance. The results showed that the joined effect of Liberalization factors on performance of veterinary Medical services was significant. Among the independent variables Legislation had biggest relationship with performance and had the strongest contribution to performance. From the study the combined effect of the liberalization factors on performance was quite significant. The research concludes that though Veterinary legislation has the highest contribution to performance, a combination with offloading of functions from the public sector to the private sector and availability of credit would improve performance.
Keywords: Liberalization, offloading, credit, legalization, performance and vetirenary services
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017,
Pages: 1412 - 1420
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