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Research Paper | Statistics | India | Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017
Reporting Innovations and Adaptations Employed for Statistical Evaluation of Efficacy of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Therapy in Spinal Cord Injury Cases
Dr. Geeta Shroff | Dr. Jitendra Kumar Barthakur
Abstract: The patients admitted in NUTECH Mediworld create a random and unbiased database. Forty-six symptoms assess spinal cord injury (SCI) cases. Each symptom has five ordinal grades, or Nutech Functional Score (NFS). NFS come in (.5, 5.5) ordinal range. A conversion to numeric (0, 1) range allows standard statistical tests. At admission, the scores are as (severe-many, medium-fewer and good-very few). After a few days of therapy, the scores alter to -shape. The normality, and homogenei-ty of variance often compromise. The Institute uses Empirical Bayes Inference.
Keywords: Bayes Inference, Efficacy, Human-Embryonic-Stem-Cell-Therapy, Numeric-Scores, Spinal-Cord-Injury
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017,
Pages: 764 - 774
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