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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Control Systems Engineering | India | Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017
Colour Sorting Robot in LabVIEW Using Image Processing
H. R. Ramesh [2] | Pooja [282]
Abstract: The robotic manipulator plays a dominant role in the domain of process industries based applications such as pick and drop, quality based sorting, etc. Now a days various automation techniques are being adopted & researched on for increase in productivity, for better accuracy, eliminating the human errors and for safety. Therefore, the efforts are made to design and implementation of automatic technique to determine colour of object using image processing technique. USB camera is used as a vision sensor to measure the dimensions of the object to be picked. The USB camera collects the image of the object is transferred to the LabVIEW with image processing toolkits and modules to process the image. The robotic arm is designed with servomotors. Digital image processing algorithms are implemented to process the image captured by the USB camera to find the exact dimension of the object. NI-IMAQ Machine vision based functions are implemented and the results are presented.
Keywords: Digital Image Processing, Colour Sorting, Colour recognition, Robot, LabVIEW
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017,
Pages: 47 - 50
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