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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | Iraq | Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017
MMAC: Fast and Secure Message Authentication
Mohammed Ali Mohammed | Loay K. Abood [3] | Makki Maliki [2]
Abstract: The Mathematical Message Authentication Code (MMAC) is a well-known method to provide integrity of message. This works aims to proof that the MMAC is more reliable than exciting/slandered algorithms. The comparison will take place based on describing the analysis result of the aspects of fast, complexity, and security with other algorithms. These algorithms are CMAC-AES (Cipher-Based Message Authentication Code-Advanced Encryption Standard), MAC-Triple-DES (Message Authentication Code-Triple-Data Encryption Standard) and CMAC-DES (Cipher-Based Message Authentication Code-Data Encryption Standard) MACs algorithm. While we give HMAC-SHA-128 (Secure Hash Algorithm) HMAC algorithm more comparable attention for its important. The dataset is a text which written in English language. There are three dataset have a different size the first one is The Irish Penny Journal book, while the second dataset is Notes of hospital life book, and third dataset is The Life of Robert book. The result of the comparison shows without any doubt that the MMAC algorithm is faster, more secure and less complexity.
Keywords: MMAC, Mathematical Message Authentication Code, Message Integrity, Message Authentication, MAC
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017,
Pages: 576 - 579
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