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Research Paper | Management | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017
Business Strategy Formulation of Diamond Model of VSAT Internet Mangoesky Product (Case Study at Metrasat Division)
Bagus Putranto | Heny Kuswanti D | Bunasor Sanim [5]
Abstract: The formulation of business strategy of VSAT Internet Mangoesky was measured by various methods such as Diamond method, SWOT and AHP analysis. The data obtained were processed by Expert Choice 11 software. Results of the formulation focused on the evaluation of Diamond's business strategy model are priority on Arena and Staging & Pacing elements as Implementation of short or medium term of Mangoesky business strategy to increase sales as a new product. While the Differentiator and Vehicle elements are as long term products of development strategy to achieve an increase in profit of Economic logic element. The AHP analysis showed the alternative strategies are prioritized for each element of diamond models The 1st Priority Arena elements Conducting market development and penetration in areas not yet reached by cable / GSM 3G signal. The 2nd Priority on Staging and Pacing elements is ?the acceleration deployment of hardware device and installations to achieve new link volume growth?. On the 3th Priority on Vehicle elements ?Cooperating with Vendor Satellite Operator and Hardware in product development and HR training?. The 4th Priority Differentiator elements by ?Creating product image as the best solution for broadband Internet service in rural or sub urban area with best service quality In Indonesia?. And in the 5th Priority Economic logic element that is ?promotion program of quota bonus to increase internet data sale?.
Keywords: AHP, Diamond, Expert Choice, Mangoesky, SWOT, VSAT
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017,
Pages: 925 - 929
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