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Research Paper | Electrical Engineering | India | Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017
A Bi-Pedal Humanoid Social Robot
Desai V N S R Sai Prasad | J. Praveena [3]
Abstract: A social robot is a self-governing robot that cooperates and speaks with people or different self-governing physical specialists by taking after social practices and principles connected to its part. This definition proposes that a social robot must have a physical exemplification. Alex is a social robot that reacts to the orders entered by the client. It utilizes some inherent summons which are handled at backend by Google cloud Speech API. It is absolutely expand on Raspberry pi. It performs activities like essential walk, reaction to the given charges and so on. There are numerous robots which are expand on different supplies yet fabricating a robot utilizing Raspberry pi have many focal points as it is very adjustable, simplicity of control and so on. This model assists in building the robots with cutting edge highlights like multitasking and furthermore a portion of the elements of OS as we can run working framework in Raspberry pi. It makes utilization of the ideas of IoT and furthermore control the IoT based brilliant items with voice orders. There are many points of interest of this robot like individual help, performing huge figuring. The major diligent work of people can be supplanted. It is absolutely easy to use and responds as per the client. Python dialect is utilized to interpret the guidelines by client to control the developments of the robot and execution in light of the voice charges. As python is profoundly utilized and deciphered dialect, making utilization of it in Raspberry pi to control the equipment and programming is the best.
Keywords: Internet of Things IoT, Social Robot, Raspberry pi
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017,
Pages: 570 - 575
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