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Research Paper | Environmental Science Studies | India | Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017
Impact of Coffee Pulp Effluent on Biological and Chemical Properties of the Soil
Jnanesha A C [3] | Vanitha T K
Abstract: The field experiment was conducted to study the impact of coffee pulp effluent on biological and chemical properties of the soil. Among the different effluent treatment, raw coffee pulp effluent along with soil inoculation of pleurotus and raw coffee pulp effluent irrigation treatment recorded significantly higher organic carbon content (0.57 % and 0.56 % respectively) in soil as compare to fresh water irrigation treatment (0.46 %). Soil available nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium were also significantly increased (314.0, 77.5 and 416.1 kg ha-1, respectively) with application of raw effluent irrigation as compared to fresh water irrigation. However, fungi population was higher with lime treated effluent irrigation (9.5 x104 cfu g-1). Whereas, coffee pulp effluent irrigation + soil inoculation of pleurotus recorded higher actinomycetes population (7.2 x103 cfu g-1) over other treatment. Nitrogen fixer, p-solubilizer and Dehydrogenase activity were higher in raw coffee pulp effluent treatment and was on par with lime treated coffee pulp effluent irrigation + soil inoculation of pleurotus
Keywords: Coffee pulp effluent, enzyme activity and Microorganisms
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017,
Pages: 717 - 719
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