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Informative Article | Medicine Science | India | Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017
Scrofuloderma Presenting as Recurrent Abscesses - A Case Report
Dr. V. Sudha [2] | Dr. S. Pavithra [2] | Dr. Karrunya. K. J | Dr. Pragna B Dolia [2]
Abstract: Cutaneous tuberculosis is a relatively uncommon manifestation of tuberculosis. Scrofuloderma is a common form of cutaneous tuberculosis affecting children and young adults. It is a frequent manifestation of cutaneous tuberculosis in India. It represents as direct extension of tuberculosis into the skin from underlying structures like lymph nodes (especially the cervical), bone, lung or joint. It presents as firm, painless, subcutaneous nodules that slowly enlarges and evolves into cold abscesses which suppurates leading to multiple ulcers and draining sinus tracts with undermined edges and healing generally with puckered scars. The most common sites of scrofuloderma are chest, neck and axilla. We are reporting a case of scrofuloderma presenting as recurrent abscesses to emphasize the need of early diagnosis and prompt treatment of the disease in India and countries were tuberculosis is very common.
Keywords: Scrofuloderma, Cutaneous Tuberculosis, Recurrent Abscess
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017,
Pages: 932 - 935