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Research Paper | Medicine Science | India | Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017
Study of Anthropometric and Morphological Observations of External Ear in Western Maharashtrian Population
J. M. Durgawale | S. S. Jadhav [4]
Abstract: This study aimed at determining the normal anthropometric measurements and morphological observations of external ear in males and females and their comparison on either sides and in either sex. The study was carried out on 220 randomly selected students of Kolhapur district Maharashtra with no evidence of congenital ear anomalies or previous ear surgeries. The study cohort consisted of 110 females and 110 males aged 18-25years. Vernier Calipers were used to measure the bilateral sizes of external ear. Parameters were total ear length, ear width, lobular length and lobular width, conchal length and conchal width. It was observed that all parameters were significantly larger on right side in both males and females which was statistically significant. All measurements were found higher in males than in females on both sides, total ear length and ear width were found to be significantly greater. These findings suggest that the normal anthropometric study will have implications in the cosmetic surgeries, correction of malformations, designing of head phones, ear phones and hearing aids.
Keywords: anthropometric, measurements, Vernier caliper
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017,
Pages: 1139 - 1141
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