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Research Paper | Civil Engineering | Iraq | Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017
Effect of Kerosene and Gas Oil Products on Different Types of Concrete
Abstract: Kerosene and gas oil are very important products used as the source of energy all over the world. The use of concrete tanks are more appropriate compared with other materials for high durability, maintenance cost and fire resistance. The aim of the study is to adopt the most suitable concrete mixes from (plain concrete, reinforcement concrete with carbon and glass fiber, self compacted concrete and high strength concrete) The plain concrete showed the highest reduction for compressive and flexural strength, while the self compacted and high strength of concrete showed the better resistance to exposure of gas and kerosene oil products for 32, 62 and 152. The reduction in compressive and flexural strength is more for kerosene oil than gas oil for all types of concrete.
Keywords: Kerosene oil, gas oil, different types of concrete
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017,
Pages: 1718 - 1722
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