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Research Paper | Environmental Science Studies | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017
The Fitoremediation of Pb and Zn in the Siak River By Ceratophyllumdemersum
Budijono | Muhammad Hasbi | Eko Purwanto [2] | Kamaruddin Eddiwan | Bethani YunitaSinaga
Abstract: Ceratophyllum demersum is a type of drowning macrofoam commonly used in heavy metal phytoremediation in water. This study focused on assessing the ability of C. demersum to accumulate heavy metals (Pb and Zn) into their body tissues from heavy metals contained in the water of the Siak River. This plant is grown in a natural condition (S. Siak) at different water depth (0, 0, 5, 1 m) with aquatic plant floating raft. Water measurements and water sampling as well as entire plant tissue per depth for calculated heavy metals at different time intervals (6, 12, 18, 24, 30 days). The results show that the Siak River has been contaminated with Pb and Zn and the concentration of Pb> Zn in C. demersum with each Pb from 0 - 1m water depth is 12.641 mg/kg, 15.659 mg/kg and 16.604 mg/kg of the initial concentration of 0.158 mg/kg. The average absorption rate and Pb accumulation per depth are 78.86 %, 97.92 % and 103.89 %, respectively. It was concluded that phytoremediation of heavy metal Pb in Siak River was effective with C. demersum up to a water depth of 1 m.
Keywords: Phytoremediation, Heavy Metal, Ceratophyllum demersum, Siak River
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017,
Pages: 1522 - 1525
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