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Research Paper | Agronomy | Uzbekistan | Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017
Influence of Mulching and Seed Planting Date on Cotton Productivity
Akhmurzaev Shavkat Isakovich
Abstract: The role of methods and terms of mulching in the increasing of cotton productivity was announced in the article. At the present time with the challenges of water shortage, to retain the soil moisture and application of methods on rationally using of water are very important. Unconventional mulching materials as films (transparent and black), plant residues (rice husk and wheat hey) and polymers (SAG and MT preparations) as solutions have been applied in the experiments. On the base of taken data it was exhibited that they have positive impacts on physical property of soil and cotton development. In the result, the high yield (32.8 c/ha) an average for three years was taken in the 1st planting term with the application of transparent film. The extra yield than control variant consisted of 5.9 c/ha. This index than 2nd term of planting is differentiated only for 0.5 c/ha. The following places, correspondingly to planting terms were devoted to black film (30, 9-31, 2 c/ha), MT preparation (29, 9-31, 1 c/ha) and rice husk (28, 8-30, 8 c/ha).
Keywords: meadow alluvial, mulch materials, film, wheat hey, rice husk, preparations, heat regime, water-physical property, productivity
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017,
Pages: 1586 - 1587
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