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Research Paper | Agriculture | Uzbekistan | Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017
Successive Application of Samuray 33% e.c. and Zellek Super 10,4% e.c. Herbicides Against of Weeds in the Fields or Cotton
Charshanbiev Umurzoq Yuldashevich | Muminov Komil Muminovich
Abstract: The data on efficiency of successive application of herbicides at the battle of annual and perennial weeds in the cotton fields of meadow soil conditions tilled by common and double stored ploughs are presented in this article. Efficient extermination (86, 8 90, 2 %) of annual weeds has occurred (on the data of 2007-2010) at the sole application of herbicide Samuray (1, 5 l/ha). Efficient impact (90, 5 93, 0 %) in regard of annual weeds takes place at the successive application of herbicides Samuray (1, 5 l/ha) and Zellek super (1, 0 l/ha). Zellek super (1, 0 l/ha) at the sole application has insignificant impact (24, 0 32, 0 %) on few year weeds. Perennial weeds are decreased for 88, 9 93, 3 % at the successive application of above mentioned preparations. Cotton productivity has increased for 1, 8-5, 4 c/ha than control variant. The successive application of herbicides Samuray (1, 5 l/ha), Samuray (1, 5 l/ha) and Zellek super (1, 0 l/ha) is recommended against to annual and perennial weeds.
Keywords: annual weeds, perennial weeds, herbicide, Stomp, Samuray, Zellek super, successive application, productivity
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017,
Pages: 1588 - 1591
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