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Case Studies | Geology | India | Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017
Utility of Rain Water Harvesting System in the Present Scenario of Gwalior City: A Case Study
Abstract: Water is elixir of the life, in the geological term it is called as mineral. It should be conserved and preserved in all the way or through adopting any Rain water harvesting system. Rain water is the only source of the fresh water, so that it can be collected during the rainy season to store for present & future use well. The rain water is collected only through to make the various Rain Water Harvesting Structures (RWHS) as per suitability of the site. Generally two types of RWHS are designed for same, as they are the part of any rain water harvesting system, such as (i) roof top rain water harvesting system and (ii) surface rain water harvesting system. In the Gwalior city every year, ground water level goes down approx.1meter in the present time, indicating the over exploitation of it and lack of normal annual rain fall, causing insufficient recharging the same, 20 years ago it was easily available from 60 80 feet below the earth surface, now days it goes down and down. This situation may be changed, if every commercial / residential as well as big house / offices / school-colleges or any other type of settlement must be adopted at least one Rain Water Harvesting System within their premises, to save and conserve the rain water for their timely use by every citizen of the city and other part of the country also. It should be the motto of every one citizen of India. Ground water level may be increased upward gradually through recharging of aquifers, which are situated at different level within the earth by the said system positively. A case study of Abhiyank Estate, University Road, Thatipur, Gwalior tells, how Ground Water level is increased gradually after use of surface rain water runoff of the premises, through surface rain water harvesting structure (SRWHS), which was made in the year of 2008 within campus.
Keywords: Rain Water Harvesting System, RWHS, Aquifers, Mineral and SRWHS
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 12, December 2017,
Pages: 1466 - 1471
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