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Research Paper | Business Management | Indonesia | Volume 7 Issue 3, March 2018
Development of a Business Model Canvas Forgaleri Indonesia Wow
Rani Pudji Hastuti | Rizal Syarief [3] | M. Faiz Syuaib
Abstract: The policy on the sectors of Cooperatives and Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) as mandated in the Presidential Regulation No.2 of 2015 concerning the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) Years 2015-2019 stipulates that it is imperative to enhance the competitiveness of MSMEs and Cooperatives so as to develop into a sustainable business with a larger scale (move to the next level) in order to contribute to the national economic self-sufficiency. To begin, for the micro business segment, in this regard the development of MSMEs, the Government plays a vital role in the marketing of MSME products, especially through assistance and funding which in turn will enable those MSMEs to expand, for example by facilitating the marketing of their products to domestic and international markets through Galeri Indonesia Wow (GIW) as an initial forum to connect between those running MSMEs, and domestic and foreign customers who want to buy the products produced by MSMEs from all over Indonesia. This research employed a descriptive method, i. e. a case study on business development, by collecting data and information from various sources to answer the existing problems. The research data that had been collected were analyzed using several research instruments that were divided into some research stages. Those research data were processed and analyzed using business the business model canvas analysis, the SWOT analysis, the forecast of turnovers obtained by GIW, and improvement of the GIW program development strategy. Results of the business model that have been improved based on results of the SWOT analysis, that included improvements in each element consisting of expanding the export market share for the Co-Creator element, performing a customer demand analysis for the Value Proposition element, developing e-commerce facilities for the Channels element, increasing personal assistance resources for the Relation element, participating in international events for the Value Stream-Returns element, replacing unproductive resources for the Key Resources element, conducting persuasive training for the Key Activities element, establishing partnerships with the offices of cooperatives all over Indonesia and stakeholders to provide MSMEs that have joined in as partners with assistance for the Key Partnership element, and optimizing budget allocation planning for the Value Stream-Outlay Costs element, were compared with the results of the turnover forecast that had been undertaken and the results suggested a decrease in GIWs turnover. It is vital for GIW to take into account this research finding in the development of its future business strategies.
Keywords: business model canvas, MSMEs, SWOT analysis, turnover forecast
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 3, March 2018,
Pages: 282 - 289
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