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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 7 Issue 9, September 2018
Effectiveness of Modified Early Ambulation on Activities of Daily Living, Functional Activity and Psychological Wellbeing among the Patients Undergone Abdominal Surgery
Nisha Clement [4] | Dr. I. Clement.
Abstract: An experimental study on effectiveness of modified early ambulation on activities of daily living, functional activity and psychological wellbeing among the patients undergone abdominal surgery in Kempagowda Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore. Complications due to lack of early ambulation are the main cause for morbidity and mortality in India and all over the world. Many researchers have been done to prove the early ambulation improves postoperative recovery, reduce incidence of postoperative complications and promote early discharge. The investigator has selected only on three aspects of postoperative recovery such as activities of daily living, functional activity and psychological wellbeing. The main objectives of the study were directed to determine the effectiveness of modified early ambulation on activities of daily living, functional activity and psychological wellbeing among the patients undergone abdominal surgery in the both study and control group. Also the study goal was directed to determine the difference between selected demographic variables and activities of daily living, functional activity and psychological wellbeing in the study group and the control group. The collected data were collected and analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics (F-test and t-test) was used to evaluate the effectiveness of modified early ambulation. The finding of the study revealed that there was significant difference in modified early ambulation and postoperative scores in the activities of daily living, functional activity and psychological wellbeing in the study group. There is no significant difference in relation to selected demographic variables and activities of daily living, functional activity and psychological wellbeing scores. The conclusion of the study reveals that there is an effectiveness of modified early ambulation on patients undergone abdominal surgeries.
Keywords: Modified Early Ambulation, Activities of Daily Living, Functional Activity, and Psychological Wellbeing
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 9, September 2018,
Pages: 734 - 738
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