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Research Paper | Arts and Humanities | Indonesia | Volume 7 Issue 9, September 2018
Ornament Relief Rimbi Temple as Development Inspirations Motif Batik of Jombang Regency
Wiwit Dyahwati S.Pd
Abstract: Candi Rimbi is one of the heritage sites of the Majapahit kingdom in Ngrimbi hamlet, Bareng village, Wonosalam sub-district, Jombang. The Candi Rimbi site is still not widely known by the public and needs to be preserved. Relief at Candi Rimbi is divided into 2, namely reliefs that have been known to have descriptions of 9 reliefs and 40 of which have not yet been known. The making of this batik motif was taken from the temple Rimbi relief ornaments which could still be clearly described. The relief is then depicted as its basic form and arranged into a batik motif. The motif is made in the form of mock-ups of clothes and sheets of batik cloth. The colors used include 3-5 colors with several different alloys. The design produced and submitted to the validator is 24 designs. The results of the development of batik designs inspired by the candi Rimbi relief were then applied to the clothes of adult and teenage men, adult and teenage women, and sheets of batik cloth. The results that have been produced are slightly different in color from the designs made, this is because the colors in the design cannot be maximally reached by fabric dyes.
Keywords: Rimbi temple relief, motive batik, Jombang
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 9, September 2018,
Pages: 1333 - 1340
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